The Comedia Musica Players
Become a sponsor of our current production and enjoy an ad or listing in our program and complimentary tickets to the performance of your choice!
Dear Friend of Musical Theatre:
Please consider participating as a sponsor of Comedia Musica’s next production "IRVING BERLIN'S HOLIDAY INN", which will be presented November 7-9, 2024 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. We hope you will enjoy the theatrical and musical pleasures offered by Comedia this year, and we look forward to seeing you at the show!
The Comedia Musica Players is a non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible sponsorship will help assure quality musical theater in your community. Your support is vital and very much appreciated. Your name or your business ad will be seen by the approximate 1,000 people who attend our shows each year.
Below are the details concerning this year’s sponsorship levels:
Executive Producer - $500
​Full page ad in program + 10 tickets to performance of your choice​
Director - $200
Quarter page ad in program + 6 tickets to performance of your choice​
Supporting Cast - $75
Program listing + 2 tickets to performance of your choice
Producer - $350
​Half page ad in program + 8 tickets to performance of your choice​
Leading Player - $150
​Business card size ad in program + 4 tickets to performance of your choice
Stage Crew - Any amount up to $75
Program listing
Individual sponsors, in lieu of an ad (if not desired), will receive a prominent listing in our program.
Please contact Esther Laupp at 515-269-7972 or by clicking the button below. Questions or discussions regarding alternate sponsorship opportunities are always welcome.